Electric rooms (MDB, Transformers and generator) occupancy classification
I'm working on a conference hall project, According to NFPA 101, what is the classification of these occupancies?. Also, what is the classification of the projector and sound room, is it ancillary to predominant classification?
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hamad.koroni in Building & Life Safety6 months ago
Chemical fume hood exhaust system - can we use a lab exhaust or must it be hazardous exhaust ?
Hello experts. I am new to the field. I am involved in the general safety in a laboratory setting. I want to understand what is the difference between a regular lab exhaust system and a hazardous exhaust system. Can a chemical fume hood be connected to a regular lab exhaust system ? Thank you.
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peter@dwan.ca in 老王永久免费佛系7 months ago
Subsurface Foam Injection
The SFPE Handbook and various vendors advise that subsurface injection of foam is not recommended for internal, floating roof tanks. Are there any studies or incidents that support this position? Thanks
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gharrington in 下载加速小火箭3 years ago
#101Wednesdays: NFPA 101 and hazardous areas
You’ll sometimes hear users of the Life Safety Code refer to hazardous areas, protection from hazards, special hazards, and other variations on the same theme. So what exactly is a hazardous area and what sort of protection does it need? The answer, as in the majority of cases when we’re talking about codes, is: “It
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imostafamagdy in 大家都用什么翻墙1 month ago
Accessing egress stairway
Can I use an egress stairway for a non-egress purpose like accessing the building from the interior and up to the next story (Up, Vertical circulation) like the figure below, and what part of NFPA 101 discusses it?
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balik in Fire Protection Systems3 years ago
Electrical equipment rooms
Hi everbody, NFPA 13 (2016) item, permits the omission of sprinkler protection in electrical equipment rooms if some conditions are met. Does it apply to the electrical rooms on the typical floors of a sprinkler protected building (I have tried to describe these rooms below), or does it only apply to some special electrical